My name is Daniel Weber. I am a Senior Software Engineer with ExRam Innovations in Germany. Before settling for C# as my language of choice, and .NET as my preferred platform to develop for in 2002, I would play around with Visual Basic, QBasic and even Amiga Basic.
I got my Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2011 from RWTH Aachen University with specialization in Software Modeling and Verification and a minor subject of Electrical Engineering.
As part of my current job, I created ExRam.Gremlinq, a .NET object-graph-mapper for Apache TinkerPop Gremlin enabled databases like Azure Cosmos DB, JanusGraph or AWS Neptune. ExRam.Gremlinq strives to become for the world of graph-databases what e.g. Entity Framework or NHibernate are for traditional SQL-databases.